SURGIsite Boston is located at 1440 Main Street in Waltham, MA. 781-891-9300
Please follow the driving directions below as the GPS has been know to lead people astray.
Driving Directions from Route 95/128 North and South
- Take Exit 41, (US 20) toward Waltham/Weston.
- Travel straight on US 20 EAST towards Waltham (Weston St). Go through one traffic light towards Waltham.
- At second traffic light, turn LEFT and follow sign toward Route 117 Maynard/Stow.
- Turn left at next traffic light onto Main St.
- You will be Crossing over Route 95/128 heading west, a Mobil station will be on your right.
- ¼ mile up Main Street on your left is 1440 Main Street. There is a brick sign at driveway entrance that reads 1430 Jewish Family and Children Services along with smaller print 1440 Surgisite Boston underneath.
- Enter at this driveway
- On your right you will see a sign post with an arrow pointing 1440, turn right. On your left you will see a covered walkway with a SURGIsite BOSTON sign at the entrance.
- Park in the LOWER level of the parking garage. Enter into SURGIsite Boston through the covered entrance. Parking is free and handicap accessible.